Treatment for Excess Hair at Skin Solutions
We all have it—hair that seems to crop up in the most unwanted places. We try tweezing and shaving and delapitory creams, but still the hair returns.
If your excess hair has begun to overwhelm you, we can help. At Skin Solutions, we know that the best way to handle unwanted, excess hair is to treat it.

What is excess hair?
Excess hair is simply hair that you do not want. While we are all different, for women, it usually appears on the chin, lip, underarm, and bikini area, while for men it crops up on the shoulders and back.
Hormonal changes are one of the causes of excess hair growth. As we age, our hormonal balance changes, causing hair growth to increase.
So, what can you do? Fortunately, there is treatment that can destroy unwanted hair or significantly hinder its regrowth.
Treatment for excess hair
LightSheer® Desire™ Laser Hair Removal
The LightSheer Desire system generates highly concentrated laser energy through a cooled handpiece placed on your skin. As the laser energy penetrates the skin, it is absorbed by the pigment found in hair follicles. The laser pulses for a fraction of a second, just long enough to vaporize the pigment. In this way, LightSheer selectively disables many follicles at a time, destroying unwanted hair or significantly hindering its regrowth.
The LightSheer laser can be used anywhere you have unwanted hair—upper lip, chin, under arms, legs, shoulders or back. Best results are obtained with dark hair and light, untanned skin.
Come talk to us!
Schedule a free consult with a Skin Solutions aesthetician to find out which treatment may be right for you. We’ll evaluate your skin and recommend the best skincare regimen and treatments to fit your needs.
Call 207-775-3446, Option 3 or click here to set up your free skin consult today.
As Maine’s leader in skincare procedures, you can trust Skin Solutions to help your beautiful best shine through!